Patient information
Peak Health Surgicare is a Joint Commission-accredited facility that specializes in treating surgical patients. We have a highly motivated and dedicated team of physicians, clinical and support staff focusing on our patients.
We are committed to treating you with compassion, quality care and integrity. We strive to put you and your family first, to provide the medical and social resources available to maximize your recovery, and to ensure a safe transition back to your home or to another appropriate level of care.
The Peak Patient Experience

Patient Pre-Admission Instructions
- If you are being treated for high blood pressure with medication, please take your BP medication on the
day of surgery with a sip of water. - If you are an insulin dependent diabetic, and take insulin at nighttime, please take HALF of your
nighttime dosage the night before your surgery- and- do NOT take insulin the morning of surgery. - If you take aspirin or aspirin products -and- fish oils/vitamins, please STOP taking them at least 7
(SEVEN) days prior to surgery, unless otherwise instructed by your surgeon. Aspirin-type medications
include: Advil, Motrin, Aleve, Ibuprofen, Excedrin Migraine. - If you are on Coumadin, Heparin Therapy, Lovenox injections or take Eliquis, NOTIFY YOUR
SURGEON and follow the surgeon’s instructions for discontinuing these specific medications. - If you are taking NSAIDs such as Naproxen, Mobic (Meloxicam) , or Celebrex, hold these medications.
for 2 (TWO) days prior to surgery. - If you are receiving IV infusions or medications for rheumatoid arthritis, please NOTIFY YOUR
SURGEON prior to surgery. - Tylenol (Acetaminophen) is safe to take prior to surgery
a. NOTHING to eat or drink at least 8 hours prior to scheduled surgery, the night prior.
b. Do not wear makeup, do not wear contact lenses (wear your glasses), remove nail polish.
c. Do not wear any jewelry or body piercings.
d. Bring a container for dentures and contact lenses.
e. You may wear your hearing aids on the day of surgery.
f. Females : please do not wear tampons . Wear a peri-pad if necessary
g. Please refrain from smoking, drugs and alcohol on the day prior and day of surgery.
h. Leave all jewelry and valuables at home. Bring a photo ID and a form of payment if you have a copay requirement.
i. No one will be permitted to have a surgical procedure, requiring narcotic agents, without a responsible adult ready and waiting to drive the patient home.
j. Dress comfortably, keeping in mind that depending on the procedure, you may be going home in a surgical garment that you will wear under your clothes . Wear something loose fitting, and low heel shoes, no flip flops.
k. If you have been given prescriptions to take postoperatively, make sure to have them filled and at home prior to surgery.
l. Wear a mask.
m. No visitors/guests/family members are allowed into the surgery center, patients only, due to company policy surrounding the pandemic.
n. If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea and wear a CPAP machine at night, please bring it with you to the surgery center.
o. If you have an Advanced Directive/Living Will in writing, that you would like to make part of your permanent medical record, please bring it with you